
People who know me very well know that I have a few things that it doesn’t take much to get me excited about. Well…maybe it’s more than a few things, but that’s okay, right? In no particular order some would be: Jesus, John, babies, children, teaching, family, friendships, natural health-related topics like essential oils, good fats, and fermented foods, reading, Jane Austen, chocolate, homeschooling, the Muppets, Dean Jones era Disney movies, Beth Moore Bible studies, goats screaming, hiking with my family, beaches, mountains, cooking, baking, travel, writing, history, the Marx brothers, houses with cool slides in them, tiny ballerina girls, baby animals…I at no point promised this list would make any sense, did I?

I generally don’t make ridiculous promises like that.

Anyway, right in that list for the last few years has been my passion for all things Sally Clarkson. I started going to her conference two years ago and it completely blessed the socks off of my year. In a 24 hour period I became a better woman, a better mother, a better daughter of the King. She has a heart full of love and grace for mothers. She shares from her experience. She avoids formulas and embraces the Spirit’s leading. She shuns criticism and “better-than-thou” mentalities and welcomes all broken, weary, hurting moms to the foot of the cross. I love her. She’s been around since my mom was having my siblings, and has blessed thousands of women with her message of the heart of motherhood. Please read her blog. Please go to her conference next year. Please buy all her books and share them with your friends. I do not recommend things lightly. I am sure she will bless you because she does not call you to follow her perfect picture of motherhood, but instead calls your attention to the gentle ways of Jesus. You leave time spent with her more in love with your Lord, your role as a woman, and your family. One of her most urgent messages is that women must not fall into the trap of aloneness. We are created for community, for encouragement, for older, younger, and same-stage women to walk this journey beside us. It is a true dilemma in this age of more far-away friends than ever before and less heart-to-heart friends than a pioneer woman in the middle of a deserted prairie (yes, you can read that in your Dolly Parton voice – I did).

Sally’s latest book was co-written with a young mom and is perfect for the stage many of my friends and I are in today. When you read the title, you will understand. And if you have a child who wrote in permanent marker on your wall, stashed apple cores in his closet, didn’t sleep through the night last week, decided to cry every time he had to write sentences, randomly concluded that biting everyone in his acquaintance was acceptable behavior, melted into a sobbing puddle because her brother touched her, forgot to brush his teeth for a week, fill in the blank with other unimaginable options, etc., etc., etc. (this requires your Yul Brynner voice from “The King and I”), THEN you will also want to read this book.

P.S. Please do not assume any of those things have ever happened to me.

P.P.S. But they have.

Enter the book, DESPERATE. Told you that you would immediately want to read it.


You want to read this (I am resisting another voice instruction). Get a group of your friends together to discuss the questions at the end of each chapter and watch the video of Sally and Sarah Mae you can access from the web. Read their blogs and be encouraged. If you’ve never read any of Sally’s books before, comment on this post and tell me why you want to read this book. What needs do you have as a mom, and how could you be blessed by knowing you’re not alone in your desperate state. In one week, I will do a random drawing from the people who post and send you a free copy of the book! So share this with your friends and maybe it will be you! If it’s not you, maybe one of your friends will be met exactly where she is by Sally’s caring spirit and Sarah Mae’s genuine transparency. Either way, it’s a win! And if you’re the only one who comments…well, then you have a 100% chance of getting the book! 😉 I want more and more women to begin hearing this kind of mothering message, and if I can do some tiny spreading of the word then I want to do my little part. We are not enough. God most definitely is. And He will meet you right where you are.

13 thoughts on “Desperate

  1. I just came across this book last week and put it in my “want to read” list. It sounds so good and life-giving! Glad to hear from someone about the author, since I was unfamiliar with her. Now I really can’t wait to get a copy and read it!

  2. I ordered this book right after going through a major meltdown and time of depression. I remember crying, “I just can’t do this anymore!” That day, I saw this book advertised on Ann Voskamp’s blog ordered it. I have only read the first couple of chapters but they have been like cool and refreshing water that has washed over me. I look forwarded to reading the rest of it and am excited that more moms are discovering what a treasure it is! Thank you for your blog. You bless many with your words.

  3. I’m posting! : )
    I would love to read it – looks awesome – thanks for the blog. I am all about relationship and grace in this season of life – I totally need both! : )
    (FYI – Love your list of things you care about!)

  4. This book looks wonderful and uplifting. Feeling discouraged more often lately trying to adjust to bringing another beautiful baby into our family, uplifting is exactly what I need right now 🙂

  5. To read this book sounds like it would give me more hope! In the last month (since new baby). There are so many times I feel alone in this world! I feel like I am the only one awake at the hours I am awake feel like I am the only mother holding a screaming baby not knowing why they are screaming! I need a fresh breath and a new outlook on life! I need to read more from others and read more from Gods word! Thanks I love reading your blog! I feel so incouraged every time I do and feel like I can make it through another day! Thanks!

  6. Since you are my most trusted mothering friend, anything you so highly suggest I want to read! The title speaks to my everyday of just wanting to make it through with my 2 wild little ones.

  7. I would love to read this book! Why? Because it screams out everything inside of me in just the one word title. Because I often feel like having soon-to-be three children in just 26 months I was almost thrown into motherhood. That I’m not learning fast enough, keeping up fast enough….aren’t I still just a 14 year old with a pony tail and glasses?? Do these little humans so unique, so precious, so moldable, really depend on me? Am I really the one responsible for their tender hearts and lives? Overwhelmed some days? Yes. Desperate? You bet. Alone? Oh I hope not.

  8. I’m sitting here nursing my precious son, but I can’t help but be a little angry at him because tonight I haven’t slept longer then an hour and a half at one time. He has been up all night and I am beyond exhausted. I hate when I start a day this tired because I just am not a good mother when I’m exhausted. I’m not patient, not creative and I just don’t have a lot to give. I have been reminding myself that I am serving The Lord by being a mother and wife to my family, but on days when I have had no sleep, it’s a hard thing to be “wanting and willing” to serve The Lord by serving my family. Not sure if that makes any sense. I would love the book to help me in anyway to serve The Lord and my family in such a way that honors The Lord. Because right now, I can tell you that I have failed today and the sun is not even up yet. Thank you for sharing your life and journey with us. You are always encouraging.

  9. Excited to find your blog-love your writings!! Always in need of “help” in this stage of life with young children-so easy to become overwhelmed and forget the main purpose…..or just get tired! 🙂 new motivation and reminders always help Mommy’s feel rejuvenated and feel empowered to do what we need to do!! Thanks for this opportunity!

  10. Commenting here…where you said too:)…instead of your FB page where I was a tad excited because I was the only comment:) Again, I’d read anything you recommend! Plus, this sounds absolutely perfect:)!!!

  11. Scooting in at the last minute! I would have done this earlier, but of course, I am DESPERATE for time to put two thoughts together or remember to brush my teeth everyday. 🙂 I would love to read this book because you are a wise woman and anytime you recommend something, I take it to heart. I’m sure you know from our recent conversations that it’s hard to keep my head above water and there never seems to be time to figure it all out. Our family lifestyle is very different from our families of origin and even many of our friends so forging our own way can be a challenge. Any encouragement I can get towards that is appreciated!

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